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Musings of a Loquacious Mind

thoughts by kate


I'm afraid of 25 out of 71 common fears

From a MySpace forward thingie....
IF you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling!

IF you get more than 20, you’re paranoid!

IF you get 10-20, then you are normal!

IF you get 10 or less, you’re fearless!

People who don’t have any are full of crap!

I Fear…
  1. getting beat up
  2. black people
  3. + the dark - not so much of the dark, but what I don't know is in the dark
  4. staying single forever
  5. being a parent - although I sometimes fear failing at being a parent
  6. giving birth - but after last time I fear the pregnancy part
  7. + being myself in front of others
  8. open spaces
  9. closed spaces
  10. + heights
  11. + black cats - well, I'm mildly afraid of all cats I don't know;
    I'm not more afraid of them for being black
  12. + dogs - truth be told, I'm basically afraid to some degree of all animals
  13. + birds - animal, so... plus, have you ever been pooped on by a pigeon
    and not been able to speak enough of the language to get a napkin? yeah, not fear inducing like
    The Birds or The Dark Half or being in the Colonial Heights Wal*Mart parking lot, but still
  14. + fish - there really needs to be a spectrum here;
    I'm not afraid of goldfish in a tank, but live (or dead, for that matter)
    ones in lakes and at the ocean? yeah
  15. + spiders
  16. + flowers or other plants - again, spectrum! checking this
    makes me look so mentally unsound
  17. + being touched - not to Howie Mandel levels, but especially on my collarbone or wrist
  18. fire
  19. + deep water - not of its existence, just being in it
  20. lakes
  21. silk - that is so weird; who is afraid of silk? and yet I checked "flowers or other plants", so....
  22. the ocean
  23. + failure
  24. + success - if I'm being completely honest...
  25. thunder/lightning - I love them!
  26. + frogs/toads
  27. my boyfriends/girlfriends [sic][husband's] dad
  28. boyfriends/girlfriends [sic][husband's] mom
  29. + mice/rats - which made my 7th grade science
    fair project interesting, to say the least
  30. + jumping from high places
  31. snow
  32. rain
  33. wind
  34. + crossing hanging bridges
  35. death
  36. heaven
  37. being robbed
  38. falling in love
  39. clowns - but Keith is! ask him about his encounter at Arby's...
  40. large crowds of people
  41. men
  42. women
  43. + having great responsibilities - which is another reason I would be a terrible Spiderman
  44. + doctors, including dentists - specifically, needles and giving blood- eek!
  45. tornadoes
  46. hurricanes
  47. incurable diseases
  48. + snakes
  49. + sharks
  50. friday the 13th
  51. ghosts
  52. poverty
  53. halloween
  54. school
  55. trains
  56. odd numbers
  57. even numbers
  58. being alone
  59. becoming blind
  60. becoming deaf
  61. growing up
  62. + creepy noises in the night - well, sometimes it turns out to be bats
    in your room. And guess if I am afraid of bats....
  63. bee stings
  64. + not accomplishing my dreams/goals
  65. + needles - does this mean I can uncheck doctors?
    I'm not afraid of sewing needles, though!
  66. blood
  67. + dinosaurs if they were alive - ok, (a) they're animals, and
    (b) who wouldn't be! Hello, Jurassic Park, anyone (book is worse than movie -
    they are smart little genetic freak animals)
  68. the welcome mat
  69. high speeds
  70. throwing up
  71. falling in love - wasn't this already on here?


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