It's the final countdown!
By Kate,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
You know what? That ticker above ----^ is not entirely accurate. You'll notice the "featured" baby is the last one (that's right, we're approaching delivery!), but the "days left" is a little off. At least by the way I count.
Like let's say I was counting down days to my birthday, and it was August 23. I would probably say "only three more days until my birthday!" I might even say "only two more days until my birthday!," if I was thinking of days between my birthday and the current date (especially after about noon). Certainly on August 25 I would be saying "Tomorrow is my birthday!" and certainly
not "Two more days until my birthday!"
But the counter seems to count the day it is, every day up to the baby's due date, and then the baby's due date when calculating the "days to go." When it was 100-some days left, no big deal, but now that I am within spitting distance of D-day it seems to make it further away.
Of course all of this is assuming I am going to go into labor on my due date. Maybe I'm pessimistic, but since I had to be induced last time I just kind of assume I'll have to be induced again this time (so the date is right) or, depending on the 37 week U/S, have a planned C-section about a week before. But I
could go into labor, and both of my younger brothers were about 3 weeks early (and quite chunky monkeys, so good thing for my mom they came early!)(not that I was a petite baby, at 9 lbs 9 oz, but I was full-term and not the biggest).
So we have been getting ready for Broccoli, obviously, and yesterday the big two things on my list got done - we bought her Bible and I got her blanket back (it had been at the State Fair). I do want to pre-layout the announcements, but that's not as big a deal to me as having those two things, because I'll want those at the hospital.
Well, I guess one more thing... Keith and I have to agree once and for all on the spelling of Broccoli's
real name.
Labels: pregnancy