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Musings of a Loquacious Mind

thoughts by kate


I'm trying Google AdSense

So if you are also a follower of my crochet blog (can't post the link - some of you simply aren't allowed to know what the link is because there is stuff about you!), you may have noticed I've gotten crazy awesome traffic in the past week.

Actually, I just moved the stat counter so it counted people that came to any page of the blog, not just the main or archive page. What this did is tell me I was getting about 70-90 hits a day from CrochetPatternCentral for a pattern I had posted. Wow.

Yesterday two things happened:
  1. I had more than 400 hits in one day
  2. I found out about Google AdSense
I'm not going to shill for them, I don't know it it's worth my time. BUT, that being said, I'm trying it out. If it works out that it makes some money, then I can get a "real" site, which you know is a big goal for me this year. I'm not looking to quit my job or anything; I want to have a really cool crochet site, but I need my own domain and server space.

So we'll see.

In related news, I'm really thinking doing some freelance web design - on a very small scale. If you are a BlogSpot user or have a small-medium (pages, not traffic) domain website that needs a makeover and you would be willing to be a "test subject", I'm looking for a few people for gratis customization to build a better portfolio. I'll even throw in some ASP coding and web forms if that's your server (heck, maybe even some PHP, to brush up).

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