So Much...
By Anonymous,
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I hate being sick.
I hate coughing. I hate straining my chest by coughing too hard. I hate getting bronchitis
every single year no matter what. I hate spending more money than I care to admit on drugs that I wish to avoid.
I hate giving medicine to my daughter. I hate being hated. I fatigue of having syrup spit up on me, and am frustrated at the feeling of wanting to be angry, and being incapable of doing so since I know it must be so scary for her. I hate pinning her down - arms and body with my knees, head with my left hand, and squeezing eye drops in with my right. I ache at her cries, and am saddened when she won't come to me for hugs afterward as I'm now "the enemy".
I hate that men won't go to the doctor. I hate that they see it as a source of pride -
look at how much money I'm saving on co-pays and actually getting better and leading a healthy life! Isn't it better to just save it all up and go to the hospital or urgent care and pay once?
What logic! Let's do it! Let's give up on regular oil changes - eventually the engine will just freeze, and we can buy a new one or get a new car. Why was our clothes regularly? Eventually they will rot off our bodies. Or we can just wait and wash them, say, once every six years. Why eat everyday? If we wait until we pass out from hunger, and then eat a really big meal, we'll actually save calories - especially when our body rejects most of the food.
Have you really ever heard anything so stupid?
I hate being so mad at people I love that I don't want to be mad at and can't change anything.