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Musings of a Loquacious Mind

thoughts by kate


"I Am A Rock"

On the way home from work I heard the Simon & Garfunkel song "I Am A Rock".  This song has, at least since college, always make me think of a guy friend from high school and college (with whom I have since lost touch).
We talked about it one time.  It's not a great song to make people think of you, I guess.  It's quite melancholy.  But that's how I felt about him.  "I have my books and my poetry to protect me; I am shielded in my armour; hiding in my room, safe within my womb; I touch no one and no one touches me."  This was one of those guys that is so smart - so smart - and yet couldn't accept simple, easy truths, because everything had to be complicated.  We actually had quite a row, since he said it was a really crappy song to remind people of you.  The only time he got madder at me, at least that I can remember, was when we talked about heaven.  He didn't believe in it.  Our mutual friend and I decided we would miss him, then.  He got so mad that we would presuppose that we would go to heaven and he wouldn't. 
I actually think it's unlikely that I will be able to miss anyone in heaven.  How can you feel remorse in the presence of the Almighty?
But I thought it was so telling that he would get so mad.  That's not the reaction of someone with their mind totally made up.  My friend described himself as an atheist, "but sometimes when I'm really, really scared... I'm agnostic". 
We were unlikely friends.  Politics, religion, the decision to eat meat... But friends we were.  I hope he's doing well, and I hope he's found some of the answers he was looking for so hard.
"Because a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries."

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